Legal opinions
Is a certain kind of behaviour punishable? If so, what sanctions are to be expected? Legal opinions help to classify the possible criminal relevance of an action or omission in business life. In this respect, they are an essential add-on both to compliance and to ongoing investigations or criminal proceedings.
Profound legal assessments are also used in expert opinions as an essential contribution to legislative procedures. Recent examples include the German Association Sanctions Act (VerSanG), the Money Laundering Act and the Whistleblower Protection Act.
In our legal opinions, we get to the bottom of complex issues with potential relevance under criminal law. We weigh up the risks and show companies the scenarios that can avoid a criminal law problem. Our legal opinions reflect our extensive expertise in commercial and tax criminal law, but also in other areas of law relevant to the situation at hand, such as cartel law, tax law, medical law, insolvency law or banking and capital markets law.
The fact that we are repeatedly invited as experts to speak in political bodies, committees and parliaments underlines the high recognition our partners enjoy as true experts in their field.