Nina Bergmann advises and represents individuals and corporates in all aspects of white-collar criminal law. She has a particular focus on IT and data protection criminal law (cybercrime). She studied law at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen and at the University of Copenhagen with a focus on criminal law and criminology. She then graduated from the master’s programme “white-collar criminal law” at the University of Osnabrück, where she acquired the degree of “Master of Laws (LL.M.)”. She completed her legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf from 2018 to 2020, which included a several-month stay at an internationally operating law firm in Perth (Australia). Nina Bergmann is doing her doctorate on a topic related to white-collar criminal law. Nina Santagatti joined Wessing & Partner as a lawyer in 2020. She advises her clients in German and English.

JuWiSt e.V. – Female Lawyers in Commercial and Criminal Tax Law wistros Alumni- und Förderverein des Masterstudiengangs LL.M. Universität Osnabrück e.V. (alumni association of the Master’s programme LL.M. white-collar criminal law at the University of Osnabrück)

Kommentierung der §§ 21 bis 24 TTDSG

Assion (Hrsg.), Telekommunikation-Telemedien-Datenschutz-Gesetz, 1. Auflage 2022

(Dr. Eren Basar, Nina Bergmann)
Datenschutz und Strafrecht: Polizeiliche Auskunftsersuchen, Bestandsdatenauskunft und Bußgelder

IAPP Data Protection Intensive, Online, 14.03.2024

(Dr. Eren Basar, Nina Bergmann)
Beschlagnahme in der Cloud

DAV IT-Recht, Webinar, 05.12.2023

(Dr. Eren Basar, Nina Bergmann)
Cybercrime: Aktuelles zum Computer-, Internet- und Datenschutzstrafrecht

bitkom Akademie, Webinar, 13.04.2023

(Nina Bergmann)
Darf ich vertrauliche Mandanteninformationen in die Cloud geben? Nutzung von technischen Dienstleistungen Dritter bei der Rechtsberatung

Deutscher Anwaltstag, online, Hamburg, 24.06.2022

(Nina Bergmann)

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